All Classes and Interfaces

Alias for Method Name
Set of serializable classes and representators
Cookie HTTP header
DataBuffer for PluginQuery.
Encryption toolkit that holds both encryptor and decryptor Cipher
Basically a HTTP Protocol Manager for PluginQuery
Utilities for PluginQuery HTTP Handler
Header that contains information about the HTTP request/response
The priority of listener.
A proxy object generated at runtime for non-serializable objects
The client, or the browser who requested the http.
The protocol listener that handles client/browser request
The HTTP method
General methods that are often used for RestfulAPI services
The HTTP path
The HTTP URL Query
The request data sent from the client/browser.
Configuration for PluginQuery
Configuration key that holds key/path and also a serializer handler
Connection instance
Handle and manage incoming events
Future handling
Listen to Connection State Change and Incoming Query Message
This class made to let you migrate from PluginMessaging easily.
Listen to received Query Message.
This class made to let you migrate from PluginMessaging easily.
HUB for active connections
Handle non-persistent metadata
Metadata Key used to get Metadata Value
Pipeline for Query Intercepting
Utilities that are useful for handling Queries
Default (Global) or Unknown (Unregistered) header
Context containing object references and prevent object from GarbageCollector
Strong reference for both sender and receiver.
The reference handler for ObjectReference
Sterilize array component type into object array then convert it again into normal array
Context for remote library
Wrapped completable future and QueryFutureListener
RemoteFuture for Method
RemoteObject controller
Provide Object to all active connections
Represent non-existing class (Represent.value()) using annotated class
Set-Cookie HTTP header
Substitute Substitute.value() with the annotated class
An unknown object interface